Kiruna Wagon is pleased to report that the HERMES project is progressing well. In our new video we explain the objectives of the HERMES project and Kiruna Wagon’s central role in designing the bulk wagon of the future.
Hermes is a European research project coordinated by salt and potash producer ICL – Iberpotash in Spain and funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. The project has a duration of 36 months, a total budget of 6.7M € and is developed by 9 partners from Sweden, Denmark, France and Spain.
Kiruna Wagon has a central role in this international project, as the designer and manufacturer of a new type of dry bulk wagon that will revolutionise the productivity and competitiveness of rail freight transport, through flexible and intermodal design and faster loading and unloading speeds.
The completion of the new HERMES wagon and unloading station is expected by 2017. Kiruna Wagon is very optimistic about the outcome of the project and the effects it will have for European bulk rail freight transport.